Monday, January 17, 2011

The New Girl and Toilet Seat Etiquette

Where I am staying is pretty comfortable for most people in this area but it is still very rustic by U.S. standards.  My family hires a live-in girl to help with the cleaning, cooking, etc.  When I was here before the girl was very shy and avoided me but we eventually became friends and she was of great help.  Upon my return the previous girl had been replaced by someone who gave me the "eye" when I first arrived like "who the hell is this white guy and how much extra work will I have to do?".  The living situation is that I am in the main house, the parents in their own area, and the house girl stays in a closet/bedroom.  Now, from my past experience, the house girl has her own place to shower and toilet and the main house is for my use unless visitors come.  Last time the toilet seat was broken and I sort of fixed it so that it worked as a "sitter".  Upon arrival it was off in the corner.  I fixed it again but the next day off in the corner again.  Hmmmm, I wonder why since I'm the only one sitting here?  I take out the leatherman tool and affix it properly so it can't be removed but one hinge is still questionable - fixed.  I get up one morning rather tired and sit down to find the seat up.  I know I left it down and I've heard strange noises at night and flushing so I'm suspecting she is using the toilet so she doesn't have to go outside but doesn't like the seat down and sits on the rim.  First time I've run across a girl who wants the seat up!  Never could figure girls out.

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