Saturday, January 29, 2011

Oh Sunny what have you done to me?

The "good mechanical condition" Chinese made pick-up, Sunny, decides to lose electrical power coming down a long hill.  I coast to an intersection of main roads where there are a few shops and lots of people hanging out to make the Matatu transfer.  I try to act like I'm just using my cell phone and there is no problem but after a while I have no choice to exit Sunny and see what I can do.  I'm surrounded by a number of guys soon after.  I quickly use my 10 words of Kimeru so to seem like a local but, of course, I'm whiter than the color of my vehicle.  A good thing about driving a piece of crap is that it appears you have no money.  A peek under the hood shows a loose cable to the battery and is resolved in a life sparing 10 minutes.  Of course, everyone who looked under the hood wants some schillings for their assistance.  I toss a 100 schilling note ($1.25) and tell them to split it.  Off I go.

Sunny and I started off so well.  Fickle girl.

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